Saturday, December 8, 2018

Online poker in WA is a Class C Felony But legal if you gamble on offshore sites!

Online poker it’s currently a Class C Felony , But legal if you gamble on offshore sites! Turnkey Sites that are casino's are easy to make your own and it goes through a gambling place. It's already looked at to be legalized and bring 100 million extra dollars to the state. But the 100 million extra drained from the people most likely ehhhh It's fun to get easy money but it's better to just enjoy what you got and learn to earn it. Once a long long time ago I was clicking red or black dog bones and when you get up to like $4000 a click. I hated that feeling but some love that rush. about 8 hours of slots at about $45 a spin clicking fast. Odds are in there favor and yours are worse the more you play. Loosing was no big deal it's ill gotten gain something I would have never appreciated anyways. PokerStars my brother and me liked that and we got real good at Texas Holdem playing with 200,000 people but that got banned which don't make sense our laws are not equal throughout all the states and online is online. But no other states have more rights than some we are not equal. I think all casino's should be banned locally and online. It's a place of greed one gets rich and another goes poor. While one goes home happy more go home sad. While one can eat another may starve. It's a stumbling block and a bad way to go. It's a terrible habbit and a tempting thing if lust of money wins in your soul. It would defile my conscience and I don't gamble. I learned to suffer and just not do it. I told myself if I was set to gamble I would instead just go spend all the money on anything I want for myself. But seeing it will bring in so much money I have no doubt in the future of this world that it will be legal real soon. Even as it already is. I know somebody that could speak better than me on gambling and I don't think he gambles anymore I did all kinds of bets for him growing up. He paid me cheep and gambled big. As a employer if the bosses mind wasn't always on that , I wonder how much better it would have been on better things. A little bit of difference can make a whole lot of change throughout your whole life. You just never know unless you make that change. What you fill your mind with obviously will take away from other places. If you fill it with spiritual things it will take away from worldly things if you fill it with this world the cares of this world will try to choke the good out of you. But either way we can choose to go the good way and keep to it. The way is to earn your money and not gamble maybe look at it like you where once a thief and now you earn your money. The gambler and the thief is kinda the same to me. They both end up taking someone elses spoil. We should not gamble our way to things but work up to things. We should appreciate and enjoy what we have earned and not try to make more of what is than it is and should be. Anyways I don't gamble and I once did , maybe this will help you be like me in this area. It's a way better life just staying away from gambling and casinos and places like that. Maybe it's a smart and wise choice and in life if we want to be more wise and more smart well changes always have to be made as we grow. I don't know something like that but it's a simple thing, just quit doing it. There's no excuse for your failure because of gambling. It's all you might as well just throw it all away if your going to go that way. I did I threw away it all to suffer like the ordinary men of this world when I had always had success in ill gotten gain and wrong ways. Yeah the devil wanted to give me so much money it was never a blessing in that area for my gain was most likely not good. Earned by people lust my profit in there black spot of there soul I don't want to make money off i'll people. Ephesians 4:28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

Free Domain + Web Hosting & Create a website REDEMPTION CODE

Free domain + Free web hosting with  a free website builder. This will walk you through a step by step tutorial of what you will need to do to get a redemption code that will then allow you to get a free domain of your choice.  Then it will teach you how to connect it to a website builder and then you can learn how to or just go at creating a website. It's a good way to go but if you want a control panel and unlimited domains hosted for the big business man at a yearly cost of less than $100 that will host your sites unlimited worldwide with website builder and many advanced features by the top hosting sites that have been around 10 to 20+ years then I would recommend these sites.

Create Your Free Website | Wix

Easy to build any kind of website you want even ecommerce.

Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

Best Website Hosting Services - Secure & Reliable Hosting - Bluehost

Excellent web hosting host, all your extra domains host free - Great control panel

Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

Professional Web Hosting from Just Host - JustHost

Champions of webhosting these guys been the top since like ever - Add extra domains free

Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

iPage Web Hosting - Reliable - Best Priced

Good hosting - Low Budget gets the job done - Add extra domains free

Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

Friday, December 7, 2018

BEST WEB HOSTING WIX 2018 Complete Tutorial Website Builder

Best web hosting top list and a complete tutorial of Wix website builder 2018.  I listed my favorite hosting companies that I have worked with and used for many years. It's good to have paid hosting because there are many features and cool advanced things you can do.

Create Your Free Website | Wix
Easy to build any kind of website you want even eCommerce.
Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

Best Website Hosting Services - Secure & Reliable Hosting - Bluehost
Excellent web hosting host, all your extra domains host free - Great control panel
Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

Professional Web Hosting from Just Host - JustHost
Champions of webhosting these guys been the top since like ever - Add extra domains free
Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

iPage Web Hosting - Reliable - Best Priced
Good hosting - Low Budget gets the job done - Add extra domains free
Bonus $100 Google Adwards - $100 Bing Advertising

A complete website tutorial for Wix - new for 2018. With this video you will learn how to build a website from scratch using Wix website builder. You will fully understand what Wix is, how to use its templates and app builder. We discuss its free website option and the Wix pricing. This video is perfect for beginners and moves into more advanced content for anyone with a Wix site already. We cover briefly Wix SEO. If you want to know how to build a website with Wix, an easy way to design a website - or even a Wix advanced tutorial, we cover these points in this "How To" guide. We go through our favourite Wix templates, the website builder app - highlighting all the important elements to consider when making a website.

We actually build a real website for ourselves - so you can see the process step by step. At the end of this video you will be able to publish your own site or possibly do this as you watch the video, pausing at sections while you take action.

It is critical that any business has a website.
You need to be online. You need to “own” your own business platform – a social media profile does not allow you to fully control your online presence as social media platforms can change the rules on how your business is seen online at any time and greatly reduce your ability to communicate with your customers.

There are two main ways to build an effective online presence. A custom development may be the best option for an established business who have a very old website or little online presence. Established business will know what they need and have a very good understanding of their customers.

- Create or maintain a consistent brand identity
- Stand Out in the marketplace
- Created with your business goals in mind
- Gives customers an excellent impression
- Improved customer engagement online
- Less “fixing” in the future
- It is your own platform to build on over time

The downside of a custom designed website is they are much more expensive than off the shelf options. But if your business is important to you – your own professional website is a critical part of your branding and growth strategy. A question to ask yourself is “Where do you see your business in 3 or 5 years online?” “Have your competitors worked out how best to present themselves online?”

Hence we recommend Wix as a cheap and effective way to get your business or service online. Hopefully you found our Wix tutorial complete and useful. We would love your feedback or comments below on what you thought.