Saturday, November 25, 2017

Lots of Entrepreneur's give credit to the Facebook ads

Alot of Entrepreneur's give credit to the facebook ads , and some of the biggest that have been around longer give the tip of try using youtube. Billy Gene who was not long ago living at his parents house ....and now Wolf Of Paid advertising says if you listen ...where he blows all his money. #1 YouTube Alex Becker like TopppppDawg that like works alone but could make anything work in any area of this whole thing because the things he knows. Says YouTube ...I say ...Me I gotta do my research to understand what they do be be able to comprehend how it works and to know the process. I heard someone use the word Chemistry the other day ..this is like Chemistry ...your off in one spot it's going to mess up the overall results. No I don't know Chemistry but for example the doc gives you a pill you need 200mg if he don't do his stuff right he might not turn out giving you the results you need. Maybe a better word is formula ....I need to figure out the formula. I'm really close I think I know it already ...just eating all that turkey and Adobe products , I love to play with Adobe products ...My mouse blowing up ...i think looks real .... It only took me 30 min to learn to do all that fire on me and make saber effects. Took longer to render than it did to make. The mouse blowing up I used Photoshop , adobe premier and adobe after effects each piece to make the project the way I want it . Still only took me like 30 minutes to learn , if i learn something everyday I add another key to my hobby , another key to something I may create that could be cool. But I dont' show myself lip sinking as though it's a final result video I know i got messy hair and look nerdy ....I thought it was cool what I learned in 30 minutes. Shopify is real ....I like that the world doubts it ...I hope that means it's got a jackpot for us that work hard .....I think most people are ruined from advice because of all the crappy network marketers seen throughout the years. I remember seeing peeps like that I just wanted to run ...about have to put a restraining order on them. Peeps coming in my business also selling me credit card machines as liars getting me into 3 year contracts ....i'm so done right now with a actual store. I want to dominate the world in helping bring it balance. HEY BILL DEETS ...that's my unrealistic imagination for you but you got your results wrong buddy ....what's possible is not unrealistic's just almost impossible to accomplish because there's so many talented people in this world. But putting a good dent in this world is better than doing nothing. Hey did the rubics cube guy think he was going to have the world record like he did. Honestly I would judge this unrealistic to me it's like magic. SERIOUS WHAT I SAY IS MORE EASY TO ACCOMPLISH THAN THIS
Scramble was 8/8. Very surprised i got this lucky again after having NAR for about 40 seconds

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Businesses getting rich using Pixel advertising secrets they don't want you to know. - Get rich and grow your business before they take your business - IF WALMART HAD A PIXEL YOU'D BE *****

A optimized pixel with about 50 sales on it that has ran in a ad for about 20 days is a valuable pixel. You can can take that optimized pixel and target each area around the world separately to find look alikes so optimized wonder how the new guy store that is better does so crappy. Someone else is able to find that one ready to buy and even though you have adds out there the optimized pixel will most likely get that spot in front of the buyer before you. YOU ALL ARE JUST A BUNCH OF NUMBERS , YOU HIGHER MONEY SPENDERS WE HAVE TAGGED AND MARKED AS MORE VALUABLE. SOMEONE IS ALWAYS TRYING TO GET TO YOU. Based on behaviors we all relate and each of each area just like each other. Same predictions same results. Here's a visual BTW if you need a walk through of things you should do before you try to go for a 50 sale conversion letme know you may want to start with a reach add and a engagement add and grab all the people that engaged with viewcontent showing they had a interest in your site then round up enough of them people to do a lookalike all throughout the USA find a million or 2 other people just like the ones that viewed content then i would think run the conversion add towards the 2 million people and don't mess with the add if it's $5 a day leave it if it's $20 a day leave it let it optimize if you need 50 sales then wait for them. Then you'll have a optimized pixel ready to find more people like the people that made 50 sales. GOOD LUCK .....I figure these days the whole world is in any mans palm of his hands in a way. 6 years ago I should have spoke up about Alibaba I should have known what I known today and been able to have made a huge change like aliexpress and dropshipping has on the whole worlds but im surprised peeps where able to keep there mouths close so long. I would have exposed the whole world if I would have gained them keys. We been buying things for to long and prices way overpriced. I like balance and to me the scales been broken , but now that it's fixed the debt is way to high to balance in the others favour so they go broke with no talent.
 As people that know nothing end up being the new success these days and people that knew something are capable of what? Maybe it's in the heart although I feel more sorry for any that are unfair the more. I know if I would sell to you I would do it in the way as I would even to my own self. But so many don't care to be good to others even as they would be to there own selves. I think it's funny , but I don't like the results i figure we will see the damage in about 2 years from now when so many peoples valuables and others things they end up without nothing and no source of income. Probably higher suicide rates i would think highest ever., What are so many going to do as things get dried up. But ehh it's just my words ...well see as time does it's thing. Big movements happen all the time be a surfer you have to try to surf ...surfing waves can be fun but you have to believe you can do it and try ...yeah it's hard to stay up on the board but you keep trying.
But overall for me I wish it wasn't so easy for rich people with customized pixels to get in front of all my customers.

So as poor I have to figure out the keys to success and seems I have to rely on the pixel that im going to get the right data to target people and get in front of the right ones. But not only does facebook and google optimize pixels but you can pick and optimize and get that perfect optimization and if you got a winning product it should pretty much sell itself. DON'T TRY TO DO BUSINESS WITHOUT A PIXEL THESE DAYS. Don't waist anymore time you want a more successful business I don't care what you do. GET A PIXEL

...if you run advertisements doesn't matter if it's only $20 your throwing away your money whenever you don't use your pixel with it. Facebook wants you to make money and they help with your pixel getting optimized to help get you the most you can out of your add. For example $100 at $5 a day without a pixel maybe 1 sale if even that. with a pixel $100 at $5 a day maybe nothing the first week , but it studies who engages and the people and there behaviors. 2nd week maybe 10 sales and it keeps optimizing 3rd week maybe 20 sales but then all them sales people you can search for targeted people like them based on sales or lets say 1000 people liked ice cream but 1000 other people liked tvs don't want the ice cream people going where the tv people are ...with a pixel you can split them off and look for more people like the tv people ...and more people like the ice cream people without mixing them both together and having that unperfect foul result.

 This makes sense and I might start to goto businesses to help them setup a pixel and people are getting paid very high money to do this. If you have a business and you want what I have learned tested on it let me know I would recommend you start with $100 and we do some trail test. If it doesn't work so what $100 money comes and goes if it does work well lucky you don't forget who helped you over 10x your business j/ik im not like that ...but seriously many business are doing up to 10x or more..more in business.

If your a business and you want all the people in your area that by behaviours and interest and many things ...I can get your add to them before others that would be best to come to your shop to buy. So what's this say for other shops that someones ads always right in front of valuable people to there business at the price of pretty much nothing. So if your buying advertising and not using a pixel might as well give up and quit throwing away your money. Or just install the pixel , put it on your website then buy your advertising not even knowing what your doing and spend $1000's of dollars if you want to but the day when someone says hey you never looked at your pixel data did you know you have 10,000 people interested in this or 200 people interested in this .....yeah you can see by ages , my if they make money , by there net worth all that stuff. It kinda makes me not want to post this because post and so many can ketch on so quick ...but whatever ima freely throw it out there. Let's bring up the competition ! Let's let everyone know how important it is and it will be like going to work everyday and it will be hard work , gotta do what ya gotta do right , get that bread and butter.

Goodluck , but it's not going to be raining hard for long. It took me a long time to figure some things out but these kids these days ...seems they got something that most don't have quite the clarity i see with them.

 Anyways so what maybe im a weirdo .. working on some stuff so just chew on this
and see what ya think ....

and if ya want some more i'll find something else for ya to gnaw on.